Monday, February 7, 2011

Standards Based Grading - It's Almost Here

First of all, I'd like to thank those of you who were able to make it to the parent night last Thursday. Your questions and comments really helped me think about how I can make the switch to Standards Based Assessment work for all of us.

I wanted to let you know that the recording system in Powerschool is almost ready to go, and you'll soon be able to see all of the student assignments in Powerschool. Based on your feedback, we've also decided to add behavioral standards (late work, group work, behavior, participation) as well - you should be able to check these on Powerschool as well.

Remember, this is a pilot program in our school and we're still working out some of the bugs - I want to say thanks for your patience ahead of time. As always, please call, email, or swing by if you'd like to talk to me.



  1. Could you please email me at as I have a few questions about SBG working with powerschool. Thank you very much!!

  2. Sorry that I didn't see your comment! I'll send an email.
